Dear Virginia:

Well, it is again time to write to you to get another issue or two of Transvestia, my favorite magazine. Where else can you get a liberal education for so little: Where you can attend class as frequently or seldom as you please and still hope to pass? Where you can exercise your independence as well as dependence at the same time. Truly I'm glad I'm a femmepersonator. I wonder what the drab people do to get their jollies? I wonder what it is like to have a brief glimpse of a panty or other forbidden item of ladies' unmentionables and get a lift of bloodpressure? I am glad that I can know how it feels to have the panties or such that gives me a more lasting charge! Along with the full wardrobe that provides me with a peacefulness and long lasting relief from tension and strife, I think it makes me look much more pleasant to the world as well as making the world look much more pleasant to me. (Nuff of this type of discourse!!)

Little has changed in Marge's life except that her brother Vic has gone back to work. He is now a bicycle mechanic. Can your imagination span that difference? It is supposed to be a light job but sometimes I wonder. You get in a hurry and instead of doing repairs like the book, you sort of manhandle the situation. That is the one thing that goes against Vic's grain. He'd rather womanhandle them! Anyway, short hours and some days off, is the main attraction.

Back to my order. You may send the Transvestias by third class and possible save a little. I do need the medicine contained in them.

Since I must get ready for work, I must go now.

Lotsa Love,

Marge Beam